Women Infinite Inspiration · Anna Bertran

Women Infinite Inspiration · Anna Bertran

"My work helps to empower me as a woman," Anna Bertran tells us in a direct and sincere tone.

Anna Bertran is an actress from Empordà who currently lives in Barcelona. We will find her in “Lost in Time”, a project that will soon see the light of day and that combines acting, humor and characters with historical outreach and interviews.

Anna, how did your curiosity for acting arise?

Anna Bertran: In my case it's very vocational, from a very young age I imitated Lloll Beltran, Marta Sánchez and Sabrina (laughs). There are videos to prove it!

From "little" Lloll to Anna Bertran, when did you make the leap?

Anna Bertran : At the age of six, there was a turning point that led to my vocation for acting, and that's when my mother decided to enroll me in the Casino Menestral Figuerenc to do theater. And I'm not letting it go.

It's a beautiful profession, but it doesn't have to be easy...

Anna Bertran : Yes, the road to get here has been hard and I think a lot of stubbornness and resilience is needed...

You have succeeded.

Anna Bertran : I have worked in many trades to be able to pay for my studies, but the fact that it is such a vocational profession has given me the strength to endure whatever it takes. Nowadays I don't complain at all, on the contrary, this profession has given me a lot.

Woman, Actress and Empowerment. What relationship do you see?

Anna Bertran : My work helps to empower me as a woman. Before, only men could do my profession and they dressed up as women!

- It never ceases to amaze us...
Anna Bertran : Yes, in addition, in the field of humor, women have entered it very recently. Eva Hache paved the way for us a little, but it still costs a lot, because it is a record that has usually always been given more to men than to women.

How do you think your profession helps people?
Anna Bertran : When you interpret, a work of empathy is generated, both on the part of the actor or actress and on the part of the audience. This work helps us understand the world a little more.

Which women inspire you in your personal life?
Anna Bertran : I am inspired by my mother, she has always been a very hardworking woman and in many ways very positive. Also, he always sees the bright side of things and the glass half full.

And in your professional life?

Anna Bertran: Meryl Streep, a woman who has broken the mold in Hollywood, without following the established canons of beauty. Show your worth through your work.

Do you like jewelry?
Anna Bertran : Yes, I wear jewelry that has personality and that can be seen.

And if you were a Roosik & Co jewel, which one do you think would represent you?

Anna Bertran : There are two earrings that really go with me, the Bunch Sapphire Hoop Earrings and the Eternal Hoop Earrings . I like them to be bold and different, kind of like me I guess!

Anna tells us that she likes the blue color of the sapphire in these earrings because it reminds her of the color of the Mediterranean, it gives the jewel a touch of boldness and makes it fun and trendy. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for the magic you exude throughout this interview.

Anna Bertran : Thanks to you, I hope that in the coming days you spend a good time like I was having a moment ago, with a green tea, listening to Blossom Dearie in the background and reading a good book. Happy women's week to all!

His words leave a good aftertaste in our mouths, like that of his green tea resting on his lips in a moment of calm listening to a song next to a good book. We wish the same happened to you.
We recommend that you don't lose track of her from now on, you can follow her at @annabertran
We invite you to read the rest of the interviews to celebrate Women's Week at Roosik & Co from here:

Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.