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Twin Solidarity Bracelet · Oncolliga Girona


SOLIDARITY BRACELET WITH RUBY, IN YELLOW GOLD AND RED THREAD SPECIAL "TWIN" EDITION for Oncolliga Girona Handmade bracelet 18 ct... Read more Read more

SKU: P23.H2.R.OG
Barcode: 03299931



    SPECIAL "TWIN" EDITION for Oncolliga Girona

    • Handmade bracelet
    • 18 ct yellow gold
    • 1 natural ruby
      • Brilliant Cut
      • Total weight: 0.05ct
      • Color: Intense red
      • Purity: Clean
    • 100% of the profits go to the Oncolliga Girona foundation
    • Special and Numbered Edition of 100 bracelets


    Solidarity bracelet Roosik & Oncolliga Girona.

    Did you know that in ancient times, warriors inlaid rubies on their bodies for protection and vigor? Ruby is the gem of vital people, like you, and it is the strongest gemstone after diamond , imagine how its endurance will encourage you.

    In addition, each ruby ​​is natural and unique in the world , it is a true treasure of nature that enjoys exceptional optical properties and beauty. It is as special as the person who will wear it.

    That is why, from the Fundació Oncolliga Girona and Roosik & Co, we thought you would always like to carry this solidarity bracelet with a ruby ​​with you, or offer it to a loved one. On either side of the gem, 3 heptagons of 18k gold accompany it to give it all its support and warmth.

    100% of the profits obtained with this solidarity gem go to the Fundació Oncolliga Girona and raise funds for the fight against cancer.

    This is a special edition of 100 bracelets for Oncolliga Girona , each one numbered and serialized like a small work of art. Here you have more information.


    Quan rebis la teva joia veuràs que tot està pensat amb gran cura i detall per a tu:

    Les caixes on te la presentem estan fetes amb materials reciclats i reciclables... Sense plàstic!

    T'adjuntem el certificat d'autenticitat dels diamants o gemmes, on podrás consultar la seva qualitat, origen i característiques.

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    Jordi Rosich Fundador i dissenyador de Roosik & Co. En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.