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N.31 · Rigid gold bracelet with two Malay garnets


N.31 · SLAVE-TYPE RIGID BRACELET IN 18K GOLD WITH TWO MALAY GARNETS "UNREPEATABLE" COLLECTION The incomparable power of imagination. Surround... Read more Read more

SKU: E23.N31.OG
Barcode: 90880859




    The incomparable power of imagination. Surround your wrist with a jewel of supreme beauty, delicate and powerful at the same time, able to make you feel the strength of a design that has no equal.

    • Handmade bracelet
    • Unique jewel N.4
    • "Unrepeatable" Collection
    • 18 ct yellow gold
    • 2 Malay pomegranates:
      • Gems of high gemmological value
      • Rose size
      • Total weight: 3.05ct
      • Color: peach pink
      • Purity: clean, inclusions typical of natural garnets
    • certified and with serial number

    Ref. AR23.N31.OG


    The Unrepeatable Collection has been selected to show on the New York Fashion Week catwalk

    Jordi Rosich, jeweler and designer of Roosik & Co, has created this rigid bracelet, slave type, in 18k yellow gold and two natural Malay garnets of inimitable beauty and form. These are two pink-peach garnets of great gemmological value. Rosich works each gold mount entirely to the size of the gem it will hold.

    It is precisely because of the beauty and uniqueness of the gems, together with their unique design, that this is an unrepeatable piece of jewelry, like a work of art, you will not find another slave like it and we will never be able to create the same one again. Imagine wearing this gold band wrapping around your wrist, you are as unique as the work of art you wear.

    With your jewel you will receive the original sketches that Jordi Rosich has worked on to design this bracelet in yellow gold and two Malay garnets plus his NFT's. Both works (one physical and the other digital) support and revalue the value and investment of this gem over the years.

    Roosik Gallery
    Unrepeatable Pieces of Art


    Quan rebis la teva joia veuràs que tot està pensat amb gran cura i detall per a tu:

    Les caixes on te la presentem estan fetes amb materials reciclats i reciclables... Sense plàstic!

    T'adjuntem el certificat d'autenticitat dels diamants o gemmes, on podrás consultar la seva qualitat, origen i característiques.

    També rebràs unes targetones conforme la peça és única i està treballada a mà al nostre taller de Girona.

    • Quan adquireixes una joia de Roosik & Co passes a formar part de la nostra família, et converteixes en el nostre “& Co”. Això vol dir que, entre altres coses, tindrem cura de la teva peça.
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    Tens dubtes?

    Jordi Rosich Fundador i dissenyador de Roosik & Co. En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.