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Bracelet Fragment YOU · Man


ROSE GOLD BRACELET WITH HEPTAGON FRAGMENT Handmade bracelet 18ct Rose Gold Ref: P24.H2.2.OR Description A bracelet with great symbolism. We've... Read more Read more

SKU: P24.H2.2.OR
Barcode: 67255131



  • Handmade bracelet
  • 18ct Rose Gold
  • Ref: P24.H2.2.OR


    A bracelet with great symbolism. We've split our iconic heptagon into two parts so you and your loved one can share it and strengthen the special bond between you. When you are together, the figure will look complete. The Fragment Me Bracelet corresponds to the top of the heptagon and the Fragment You Bracelet to the base of the figure. We work this jewel with two types of chain. The one you see in the image is perfect for a man who likes to show off but with elegance and discretion. Its minimalist design adapts to any style and makes it an easy piece of jewelry to wear on a daily basis. Also available in yellow gold and white gold and with a more feminine style chain.


    Quan rebis la teva joia veuràs que tot està pensat amb gran cura i detall per a tu:

    Les caixes on te la presentem estan fetes amb materials reciclats i reciclables... Sense plàstic!

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    • Quan adquireixes una joia de Roosik & Co passes a formar part de la nostra família, et converteixes en el nostre “& Co”. Això vol dir que, entre altres coses, tindrem cura de la teva peça.
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    Jordi Rosich Fundador i dissenyador de Roosik & Co. En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.