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One Nature earrings


LONG ROSE GOLD EARRINGS WITH HEPTAGONAL MOTIF Handmade earrings 18ct Rose Gold Ref: AR23.H5.OR Description If you're a lover of... Read more Read more

SKU: AR23.H5.OR.OneSize
Barcode: 69525083



    • Handmade earrings
    • 18ct Rose Gold

    Ref: AR23.H5.OR


    If you're a lover of heptagons, you won't be able to resist having the Nature Ondina hoop earrings. On this occasion, the 7-sided geometric figure has been infected by the magic of nature, its organic, natural and irregular forms. In addition, the heptagons will hang on either side of your face, bringing you light and movement. A very versatile piece of jewelery that is easy to wear every day, and which will also be up to the mark for great occasions.


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