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Eternal Hoop Earrings · 0.10ct


WHITE GOLD EARRINGS WITH DIAMONDS Handmade earrings 18ct White Gold 2 Natural diamonds: Brilliant Cut Total weight: 0.20 ct Color:... Read more Read more

SKU: AR17.E10.D.OB.One Size
Barcode: 50650715



    • Handmade earrings
    • 18ct White Gold
    • 2 Natural diamonds:
      • Brilliant Cut
      • Total weight: 0.20 ct
      • Color: E
      • Purity: VVS1
      • Triple excellence (cut, symmetry and polish)

    Ref: AR17.E10.D.OB


    Creole earrings with an apparent simplicity: the purity of a thin white gold ring culminates with a diamond embedded in the closing button. The diamond is a small detail that makes a big difference in these earrings, where it plays an important role, as it brings a touch of elegance and finesse to the carefree and fresh air typical of the Creole. Jordi Rosich also includes a rear fence in order to add a guarantee of safety to the natural charm of the jewel.


    Quan rebis la teva joia veuràs que tot està pensat amb gran cura i detall per a tu:

    Les caixes on te la presentem estan fetes amb materials reciclats i reciclables... Sense plàstic!

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    Jordi Rosich Fundador i dissenyador de Roosik & Co. En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.