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New Diamond Ring · Diamond


YELLOW GOLD RING WITH DIAMOND Handmade ring 18 ct yellow gold Ring width 2.6mm 1 Natural diamond: Brilliant cut Total... Read more Read more

SKU: A24.H3.D.OG.47
Barcode: 36262747



    • Handmade ring
    • 18 ct yellow gold
    • Ring width 2.6mm
    • 1 Natural diamond:
      • Brilliant cut
      • Total weight: 0.07ct
      • Color: E
      • Purity: VVS1
      • Triple excellence (cut, symmetry and polish)
    • Available with other gemstones

    Ref: A24.H3.D.OG


    This gold ring with diamond has a minimalist and delicate air specially designed to give a lot of play. The subtlety of this very portable jewel will bring a touch of luminosity to any look . At the same time, its shape and finish is perfect to combine with other rings in the same series with different colored gems: ruby, emerald, aquamarine, pink sapphire, yellow sapphire and blue sapphire.


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    Jordi Rosich Fundador i dissenyador de Roosik & Co. En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.