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Blue Sapphire Romance Ring · Yellow Gold


YELLOW GOLD, BLUE SAPPHIRE AND NATURAL DIAMONDS RING Handmade ring 18 ct yellow gold 1 Natural Blue Sapphire from Ceylon,... Read more Read more

SKU: A21.B2.S.OG.47
Barcode: 15865179



    • Handmade ring
    • 18 ct yellow gold
    • 1 Natural Blue Sapphire from Ceylon, Sri Lanka:
      • Size: Oval
      • Total weight: 0.86ct
      • Color: Blue
      • "Clean" purity: typical inclusions of natural sapphires
    • 4 Natural diamonds:
      • Brilliant Cut
      • Weight: 0.04 ct
      • Color: E
      • Purity VVS1

    Ref: A21.B2.S.OG


    We would spend hours staring at the silky, brilliant color of this amazing 0.86 carat sapphire. Its color, intense and sweet, creates a beautiful game of contrasts next to the yellow gold and the diamonds of triple excellence. The result is a high-impact design jewel, with rounded and sinuous shapes, able to fit elegantly and comfortably on the finger. It will become the dream of any woman who loves discretion and refinement. This ring is offered in other gold colors and with different gemstone options: aquamarine, ruby, emerald and morganite.


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