Women Infinite Inspiration · Martina Matencio

Women Infinite Inspiration · Martina Matencio

"I couldn't live without photos, I guess it's my way of living"

"There is a part of connection between women and that generates empowerment between us"

Martina Matencio is a photographer and lives in Barcelona. At the age of 20, she created an online store for second-hand clothes "Luna de Marte", a project that linked her to the world of fashion and photography. Then he took care of Manuel... "Photography doesn't just fill me up, it also allows me to empty myself" . The interview promises.

- Hello Martina, you started a project "Luna de Marte" but you are currently dedicated to photography, tell us...
Martina Matencio: I started Luna with a friend because it was a project that brought us many things. Apart from taking pictures of models, I was related to fashion and I loved that. I felt like I was missing something. It was difficult to make the decision, but I decided to abandon the project.
- Why did you get curious about making pictures?

Martina Matencio: My sister offered me to work in a hospital taking care of Manuel at night, a child with a severe mental illness who required special care. It was one of the hardest experiences of my life. Every day that I went to take care of him, I took pictures of him, we both filled our voids in our own way. I felt that I wanted to photograph him and he wanted me to photograph him. Until the day he left us. I felt that there was nothing stronger than being able to take that eternal memory with me for my whole life and I realized that what I really liked was portraying people.

What do you focus on when taking photographs?

Martina Matencio: I focus on expressing how I see the world and how I want it to be. Although I know that we all have our own reality, I guess.

I couldn't live without photos, it's my way of living!

- How do your photos help empower women?

Martina Matencio: I always find beauty and in that beauty there is naturalness, I don't like to show superficiality. That's where I feel that many women write to me to portray them. I feel that there is a connection between women and that generates empowerment between us.

- Do you think that if we surround ourselves with art and beautiful things it can improve our lives?

Martina Matencio: If we surround ourselves with beautiful things, be they objects, people, places... our mind and eyes appreciate it. I always say that, if I'm looking for beautiful things, my balance in life improves, if not, I feel that it gets out of control (laughs).

Which women inspire you in your personal life?

Martina Matencio: Carmen Laforet with the book 'NADA' opened my eyes when I didn't want to open them, and Alejandra Pizarnik inspires me in each of her books, because of the reality portrayed and how brave she was.

- Do you like jewelry?

Martina Matencio: Yes, I'm big on jewelry and rings, but as I get older I like small jewelry more.

– So, if you were a Roosik & Co jewel, which one do you think you would feel most identified with?

Martina Matencio: I think the Ruby ring is beautiful, elegant, simple but at the same time eye-catching. So I think it represents me enough!

Many thanks for the interview Martina, would you like to add any phrase or book that you keep in mind on a daily basis and that can inspire us?

Martina Matencio: Muchas gracias a vosotros, I want to mention one of my favorite books “Shangai Baby”. One of the phrases that always accompany me is " The only thing that doesn't change is that everything changes". It helps me visualize that life is constant changes from the time you are born until you die. So hold on tight!

Martina's words leave us energized and eager to continue working together. Her photo sessions convey to us a delicacy and a taste for beauty that makes her unique.

Don't lose track of her from now on, you can follow her at @lalovenenoso

Discover the rest of the stories that are part of Women, Infinite Inspiration to celebrate Women's Week at Roosik&Co:



Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.