Women Infinite Inspiration · Laia Berloso

Women Infinite Inspiration · Laia Berloso

"It's been a few years since I combined my two great passions and, although it's not an easy road, I'm enjoying and learning a lot from what each of them brings me."

Laia Berloso is a young teacher from Girona who one fine day decided to start training in one of her great passions, illustration. With the passion that characterizes her, and that she conveys to us throughout the interview, she has managed to make a place for herself in this world and today she accompanies us to explain her experience a little better.

Why did you switch from education to illustration?

Laia Berloso: At the time, my decision was to study early childhood education because I like teaching, being able to work on creativity and values ​​with the little ones during a key stage for character formation. However, I have always had a great artistic interest, I love to draw and, in parallel with my studies or jobs, I have been cultivating this hobby in a self-taught way and with increasingly specialized training.

And how did you end up taking the step into the world of professional illustration?

Laia Berloso: Some time ago I was presented with the opportunity, following one of these courses in Barcelona, ​​to illustrate a children's story. Since then I have been growing. I have recently collaborated on the illustrations for the Mossos d'Esquadra charity calendar and, right now, I am writing and illustrating the third short story in a collection by the publishing house Galera, " The city that most m 'estimo ', which talks about the importance of taking care of our planet through a close and fun story for children.

Being able to transmit these values ​​is what inspires you to work?

Laia Berloso: Yes, illustration is a means of expression and an ideal educational supplement. It's been a few years since I combined my two great passions and, although it's not an easy road, I'm enjoying and learning a lot from each of them. Many values ​​can be worked through the illustration. In the collection that I mentioned earlier from the publishing house Galera, I have come to treat both issues of ecological awareness (" The sea that I love most " / " The forest that I love most ") as well as issues of prejudice or of children's adaptation to new environments (" The worst neighbor of all neighbors ").

Also issues related to the role of women?

Laia Berloso: Also the role of women in society, as well as co-education and gender equality. Many of us grew up with stories where the protagonists were male and women were associated with something delicate, weak and pink. Currently, our role is important in breaking these patterns and being able to offer children stories where the woman is also the protagonist, where she is brave and does not depend on her "prince in blue".

Who are your female references, either on a personal or professional level?

Laia Berloso: I am inspired by women around me who are just as independent, brave and determined as the characters in my stories. Women artists, dancers, singers, doctors, physiotherapists... women who hold positions within large multinationals and who fight every day for their position in an unequal market. These are my friends, my mother, my grandmother, my colleagues...

Before we finish, Laia, we would like to know... Do you like jewelry? Do you feel identified in a special way with any of Roosik & Co's jewels?

Laia Berloso: Yes, I really like them, I prefer those jewels that are not ostentatious, simple but at the same time elegant. From Roosik & Co, the collection of necklaces "5" especially catches my attention, especially the pendant with aquamarines , I think they fit well with what I have mentioned. I like Jordi's minimalist style.

And so we close an inspiring conversation with Laia Berloso. We recommend that you don't lose track of her from now on, you can follow her at @lalaidraws

We also invite you to read the rest of the conversations to celebrate Women's Week at Roosik & Co from here:



Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.