Rings&Fun. A moment with friends, chocolate and rings!

Rings&Fun. Una estona amb amigues, xocolata i anells!

What more can you ask for than an afternoon with your friends, full of laughter, chocolate and... spectacular engagement rings ? If you are about to say "Yes, I do" or just want to enjoy a brilliant moment with your best friends, at Roosik&Co we have prepared an unforgettable experience for you.


Come to our Rings&Fun meetings! It will be a relaxed and entertaining evening where you can try on some of the most spectacular diamond rings from our collection. Are you curious to see how a ring with a 2 carat diamond looks on you ? Or do you want to flaunt the most unique and original designs, such as the 1.5ct Heptasolitaire ring , the Orchid ring inspired by an orchid or the Twin and Nature wedding rings? This is your chance to feel like you're in a fairy tale!



Whether you're looking for the perfect ring or just want to experience a different evening, you're sure to leave with a smile...and, who knows, a new favorite ring on your wish list.

What awaits you at Rings&Fun? 🌟

  • Try on the most spectacular diamond rings from Roosik&Co, like these with diamonds of 1 carat or more.
  • Enjoy an original afternoon with your friends, with coffee, chocolate and sweets.
  • Create new memories full of complicity.
  • Get inspired by our designs and find that ring that reflects your personality.

So, let your friends know and get ready to have a blast! Book your place to spend this afternoon folded surrounded by diamonds.


👉 Click here to live the Rings&Fun experience with us!


Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.