The birthstone of October: Tourmaline

la turmalina, piedra preciosa natal del mes de octubre

At the Roosik & Co store you often ask us what is your gemstone of the month - you want to know what your gem is and what it means. You marvel at its properties and characteristics that you feel are your own: the strength of the diamond, the exuberance of the emerald gardens, the nobility of the blue sapphire...
In order to collect all these details and so that you can consult them whenever you want, we have a series of articles dedicated to birthstones. And, stay tuned, because each article comes with special jewelry ideas for those born that month!

October, tourmaline & you


turmalina piedra natal octubre

If you were born in the month of October, you will love to know that the precious stone that commemorates your birthday is Tourmaline. It is a gem that stands out above all for having a wide and dazzling range of colors. Did you know that tourmalines can acquire practically any shade of nature, even coming to present color mixtures in a single stone? In fact, the word tourmaline precisely comes from the Sinhalese Touramalli, which means "stone of mixed colors".
Probably because of its varied color palette, in ancient times it was associated with creative people and artistic expression.

The most popular varieties of tourmaline include pink and red rubellites, emerald green "chrome" tourmalines, and neon green and blue to purple "paraíba" tourmalines. When choosing yours, you can consider the healing properties associated with each variety, for example:

- Pink Tourmaline embodies love and is associated with compassion and delicacy

- Green Tourmaline promotes courage, strength and endurance

Ah! And it is also the precious stone offered to celebrate the eighth wedding anniversary. Are you the one who said "Yes, I want" 8 years ago?

Encourage yourself to add a jewel with tourmaline to your jewelry. We are sure that it will become your good luck charm and that it will always remind you of all the love, creativity and delicacy that surrounds those born this month.

See jewels with tourmaline

We say goodbye with a big hug and a “CONGRATULATIONS!” from the entire Roosik & Co. team. Remember that you can write to us by e-mail, xat or WhatsApp  (+34) 683 545 348 if you have any doubt. See you soon!


    Jordi Rosich

    En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

    el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.