La pedra natal del mes de Gener: EL GRANAT

The birthstone of the month of January: THE POMEGRANATE

, by Jordi Rosich, 4 min reading time

Do you know that the month of the year in which we are born can condition our way of being? This is one of the reasons why since ancient times a precious stone has been linked to each month of the year. Thus, all those born in a certain month have a particular gemstone with which they will feel identified by the associated qualities it has; if you wear a jewel with your birthstone you will enhance the best of your personality.
At Roosik & Co today we dedicate this article to all of you who were born on a day in the month of January. If you are one of these people, read on and you will find out why your birthstone is garnet, and why it might be a very good idea to give yourself a piece of jewelry with this gem just now that we have just started a new year .

The Pomegranate and you

The beginning of the year invites renewal, the determination to start a new life, with new habits, new purposes, new wills. People born in January feel aligned with this moment, they are motivated to discover new knowledge, start new friendships, they are stimulated by new illusions... And how beautiful it is to renew your dreams, right? And one way to symbolize the year that is now starting can be to wear a new piece of jewelry that represents and reminds us of everything we set out to accomplish.
And of course, for you, who were born in the month of January, this jewel must shine a garnet. The name of this gem derives from grain , the seed that we plant today and that will grow as time passes. Like the light of day, which at this time of the year is gaining ground in the night - slowly but persistently, with determination - and will lead to the outbreak of light. Garnet is an energetic stone, it can be green but often has the color of pomegranate seeds, which is the red color of life and the symbolic color of love... Garnet is believed to have the power of protect the wearer - maybe that's why it was a popular stone among warriors? Maybe that's why kings and queens wore it?
For those of you who were born in January, who are sensitive and reserved people, the dark red of a garnet can treasure your longings for this 2022... Xxt! Only you will know. At Roosik&Co we have selected the deepest color maroons to hold everything you want to keep.

Your gift, your jewel with garnet

We know that the day you celebrate your birthday is one of the most important dates of the year for you, which is why Jordi Rosich has designed a collection of pieces with your birthstone, a Garnet that symbolizes the renewal of the year that begins

See here "Garnet Jewelry"

Now that you know all about your birthstone, let one of these gems represent all the new yearnings and resolutions for the new year, and empower your personality.
In any case, we don't want to say goodbye without wishing you a great birthday with a sincere "CONGRATULATIONS!" from the entire Roosik & Co. team. We are close to you for whatever you want, remember that you can contact us by e-mail or WhatsApp to clarify any doubts.
See you soon!



Jordi Rosich

Joier, clavador, gemmòleg i dissenyador per l'UB i el JORGC. Especialista en diamants naturals.