The best color in the world: Gemstones and colors

Diamants i gemmes precioses

People who work with colors – artists, architects, graphic or jewelry designers, like us, who combine precious stones – are very aware of the effect they produce on people.
Colors are associated with emotions and each color produces different effects on each of us. In fact, these feelings are totally contradictory to those around us.
For some, green can be healthy, natural, relaxing, organic... And for others "poisonous" or "immature".
A blue can be the color of sympathy, harmony and loyalty, or it can also be cold and distant.
Is pink delicate, sweet and charming... Or outrageous and flashy? it depends It all depends on the eyes that look at it or the heart that perceives them! Because color and feeling go hand in hand.

The color of the precious stones 

Colored gemstones inherit the psychological and emotional characteristics associated with their tones.

Why is loyalty blue? 

Blue sapphires, topazes and aquamarines
The colors change with distance. If we look at them closely, the tones look bright and vivid but, as they get further away, they "dissolve" and become bluish due to the layers of air that cover them. That is why blue is related to the concept of distance or distance, and it is in the distance that loyalty is often tested.
It is not surprising that blue, associated with fidelity, has a special role in weddings. Bridal tradition dictates that every bride must wear something blue on her day.
When Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married, Lady Di wore blue in a belt ribbon, in her bridal bouquet – with small blue veronica flowers – and in her engagement ring with a spectacular blue sapphire.
The sapphire is one of the precious stones that symbolize fidelity! There is even a well-known saying that says that "in the finger of the unfaithful, the sapphire loses its luster".

The color of maturity and sensual love

Gold, yellow sapphires and citrines

Very often, the color yellow is associated with the color gold. In Germany, for example, the words Gelb (yellow), Gold (gold) and Glanz (shining) belong to the same family. Normally, when something is beautiful or valuable, it goes from yellow to gold: like the sun's rays or like the blond hair of our lovers in love poems...

The flowers when blooming are usually yellow. If you look at it, most spring flowers, like mimosas, are this color.

Yellow is usually associated with the color of ripeness, as it is related to gold: golden ears, golden fruits or golden autumn. If we are given a choice between a green and a yellow fruit, we will choose the yellow if we have a desire for something sweet... Perhaps this is also why this color is associated with mature love, sexuality and sensuality.

The color of nature, spring and fertility

Peridot, tsavorite, emeralds, tourmalines

If you think of a color emerald green, sea green or the green of the month of May, surely green is a color with which you feel a great affinity.

The fact of germinating and sprouting is usually associated with the color green and spring. Therefore, everything that means thriving, developing and flourishing will be associated with this color or this season of the year: business grows and so does the family.

It is said that when an Englishman is in top form he is in the green, and the fact is that this color has to do with everything that means being healthy.

Try combining green with two other colors: gold and red. Gold symbolizes wealth, red love and green health. You will radiate total happiness there or go if you wear or wear jewelry in these shades.

  • "Green cheers the eye without tiring it" - Pliny.

The color of tenderness, charm, confits and creativity

Pink sapphires, rose quartz and rose gold

Some call it "the little red", but pink is not just the color we get from combining white and red, it has its own personality! In fact, there are positive emotions and feelings that we can only express through this color.

Pink is a color, but it's also a flower and a proper name: Rosa, Rosalia, Rosanna... It's nice to think about it for a moment, isn't it?

In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, there is a passage that says: "I'm the very pink of courtesy" . This is because for many centuries, pink was the color that expressed courtesy and kindness.

It is also another color associated with feelings, sensitivity and commitment... This may be why, more and more, at Roosik & Co we find that bride and groom choose rose gold wedding bands or engagement rings in this color gold

Note that pink combined with white, gray or silver produces an effect of uniqueness and refinement.

The color of luxury, money and happiness


Only 1% of women and 0% of men name gold when asked about their favorite color, despite being the color most associated with beauty. We may not think of gold as a color as such, and that's why we find it so special and unique. Gold does not resemble any color and if we think of "gold" the tone of this noble metal quickly comes to mind, we think of our jewelry, rings, pendants or necklaces, right?

Gold is synonymous with purity. Although pure gold cannot be used to make jewelry. It is a very soft noble metal and pure gold jewelry would scratch or bend. This is why gold alloys are made with other metals such as palladium, silver and copper.

At Roosik & Co we make our own gold alloy in the workshop. We use silver and copper to harden it. In addition, copper adds color to the piece (for example in the case of rose gold). For its part, we use palladium, a highly valued and valuable metal in jewellery, to give gold a very beautiful and particular whiteness. It is for this reason that Roosik & Co pieces in white gold are usually very pleasing to you when you see them. You find them whiter, a special gray-white, and next to the triple excellence diamonds – which reflect 99% of the light that enters them – the piece looks more elegant, fine and sophisticated.

Gold is also associated with fidelity and durability, because it is able to resist acids, bleaches and, moreover, it does not rust.

Wedding rings are small gold, they must last a lifetime in your hand and, they must shine, like the first day. Gold is a symbol of eternity... And, moreover, it is the most recyclable of all recyclable materials! Gold always recovers and never loses its value.

Friendship, loyalty, honesty, trust and permanence... Gold is associated with qualities that are achieved with effort over the years. Remember that the "weddings" that take place after 50 years of marriage... are golden!

  • The best color in the world is the one that suits you - Coco Chanel

Colors, precious stones, emotions and feelings... Have you stopped to think about which gem and color you feel most identified with?

Take a look here and get inspired, you will decipher which ones are yours: JEWELRY WITH PRECIOUS STONES

See you soon!

* Bibliography and data: Psychology of color by Eva Heller




Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.