BIGGIE YOU: We have a personalized BIGGIE postcard for you

Il·lustració "Biggie" de Roosik & Co

We have GREAT reasons to feel lucky.

These have been confusing, difficult, and in some cases sad days, but we can also highlight beautiful details of this confinement, such as the many displays of love and solidarity from people.

At Roosik & Co we want to give you, and the BIG people who have stood by you, a personalized Biggie postcard. 

What is a Biggie postcard? 

This is a postcard or poster that you can print at home or use in virtual format. It consists of a personalized illustration of you along with the BIGGIE ring from Roosik & Co and a BIGGIE motivating message.

Here is an example:  


How will we make your Biggie postcard?

We will need you to send us: 

➺ A photo so we can customize the drawing as much as possible (we'll only use it as inspiration)

➺  Your name

➺  Tell us what do you like or what defines you

With these details we will create your character and phrase BIGGIE.

How to send us the information? 

Send us the photo and the rest of the details through the usual Roosik & Co channels:

➺ Instagram: @roosikandco 

➺ WhatsApp: (+34) 676 64 35 69 

➺ E-mail: 


Does it cost anything?

No, it has no cost. It's a detail we look forward to offering you these days. We were inspired by the illustrations we have prepared to present the new Biggie Rose ring.


How long can you order your personalized Biggie postcard?

You have time to apply before May 20th.

Hurry because we will only be able to handle the first 50 requests, we will do so in order of arrival and, for the time being, we will make a Biggie postcard per person.


How will we send you the virtual postcard?

We will deliver your postcard to you as soon as possible. Think of them as personalized and handmade illustrations, one by one. They are very special.

We anticipate that we will email it to you within a few days of your request. We will be in touch.


Want to see more custom Biggie illustrations?

Biggie Judith (@mymothers_garden)

Biggie Readers (Marc & Co)

Biggie Twins (Mariona & Irene)


Light up with a Biggie postcard!

Do you know that to illustrate means to enlighten? Give yourself a Biggie postcard. It can be for you or for whoever you want.

Want to know what the Biggie Rose ring is?

The Biggie Rose ring is a ring that Jordi has been working on these days of confinement. It is a version of the Heptasik Biggie ring in rose gold.

It is a unique ring because the heptagon melts into the finger, taking its shape and embracing it organically.

Both its name and its design are a symbol of the flexible and at the same time strong people who have helped and inspired us all these weeks.

You can find out more here:

Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on all the initiatives we carry out on the Roosik & Co. team.

#DreamBiggie #ChooseToBeBiggie #ExtraOrdinarySpring



Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.