Living more than 2000 km from home must not be easy because many things must be left behind. Surely many of you who are reading these lines know a close case, or have even experienced it yourself! Starting with the most important, which is the physical proximity of family and friends, but we also suffer from longing for the usual foods, smells or landscapes and scenes that make us feel part of a certain place. Traditions are also missing ; and I'm not saying that to say...
Lluís was perfectly aware of it. After living in Denmark for more than three years, Judit and I always missed the Catalan Sant Jordi . For those of you who are Catalan, I don't need to explain it to you; to those of you who are not, I'm telling you now that you must experience a Sant Jordi in Catalonia sometime: a day in which the joy and joy of living dominates the atmosphere, the smell of spring perfumes the atmosphere - you can rain or shine - and above all, the day when lovers exchange a book and a rose, a party awaited and shared by everyone!

i follow As he said, Lluís was perfectly aware of it. Six years with Judit and the adventure of going to Denmark together had consolidated the couple, and although they had always shared the idea of getting married one day, Lluís had always felt a little lazy about the effort of organization it supposes. But he was aware that for Judit the moment had long since arrived.
Like Sant Jordi, there are things that go beyond what they are, because they are symbolic, they touch our hearts and remain in our memory; one of those things is asking for the hand of the person you want to marry. Yes, it's just a gesture, it's just a small ring, but it's so big what it evokes, forever more!! So, with the good resolutions we usually make when we start the year, at the beginning of 2022 Lluís decided to look for a ring to ask for Judit's hand. Today, the Internet makes it very easy for us and before moving the file, Lluís was looking and rummaging in Danish and Catalan jewelry stores... until he found the RING , like that, in capital letters. It was the Roosik & Co. Dispersée ring, a design with a Nordic touch made by a designer jeweller; the ease of talking by video call and discussing small details directly with Jordi Rosich finally convinced him.
And all that was left was to organize the operation! How to give it? When to give it? When it was easy, Lluís decided to do it for Sant Jordi, a day so symbolic for them as Catalans, but which in Denmark is a day like any other... I would suggest going to dinner and looked for a restaurant with a sea view. After giving it a spin, he decided to accompany it with a visual poem by an author they follow on Instagram, to give it a fresh and original touch.
And finally the day came... Nerves, nerves! Judit didn't suspect anything, it was Sant Jordi, it was a special and symbolic day - but not as much as it would be soon after!!-. Lluís had kept the ring in the back pocket of his jacket, and he hid the cardboard envelope with the visual poem by putting it on his back, under his shirt. On the way to the restaurant, Judit wanted them to take a selfie, and when Lluís took it she noticed the envelope on his back... "What's this?", "I've written you a poem" ... get to say to disguise, he who never writes about it!

They sat in the restaurant, a table overlooking the sea for Sant Jordi, the romanticism was already guaranteed. When Judit saw the visual poem, she was surprised, "They're drawings, it's not a poem...!" but he immediately understood everything when Lluís took out the box with the ring inside: “Do you want to marry me? ” A big “Yes!!!” sealed the engagement, with the setting sun illuminating the happiness of both of them. They barely ate, but the waiter understood the situation perfectly when he heard that they had just become engaged.
The news spread immediately, visiting best friends from house to house, and video calling the family to share one of the most special moments of their lives. Now this little ring carries all this burden of emotion and happiness, a memory that will not be erased by time, and will be as bright as the jewel itself.
Fortunately, there are things that the Internet makes easier for us... Sant Jordi, not yet!
♡ Real story lived by Lluís and Judit in Denmark in April 2022