The purity, beauty and intensity of emerald green leaves no one indifferent. The name of this gem comes from the Greek "smaragdos", which means "green".
Emerald is a type of silicate that belongs to the beryl group, a group that includes all gemstones that usually have a blue-green hue. Its tone varies and is determined by its chemical composition, among which we find chromium, iron or vanadium in varying amounts. Its color is also variable, which is why the moment of carving is important. The cutter looks for those areas of color in the stone that can make the gem more beautiful.
"The Emeralds are the queens of the color green. I really value going inside to see the small inclusions they have inside, they form gardens of great beauty... they make it unique and exclusive."
The emerald has a high hardness index, it has an 8 out of 10 on the Mohs scale, the scale that determines the hardness of materials.
Emeralds used to come from Egypt, but with the discovery of America, Egyptian emeralds were replaced by higher quality emeralds, such as those found in the Muzo, Coscuez or Chivor mines in Colombia. This intense green gem has always been widely used in jewelry. Beyond pendants or rings, we find emeralds in the crowns of royalty. It is usually said that emeralds favor those married couples who want a peaceful life together. It is also associated with a greater flow of money, and the healing of heart problems, asthma and insomnia.

If you want to see the jewelry pieces that Jordi Rosich has designed with emeralds for ROOSIK&CO, you can click here