The essence of my minimalist jewelry · Heptasik Collection

Anell heptagonal disseny de Roosik & Co

Hectagon, Octagon, Pentagon, Hexagon... It's fun to watch you christen ours heptagon iconic We call it Heptasik , which is born from mixing the words "Heptagon" and "Roosik".
Today I will explain how this geometric figure – and which at first only illustrated our logo– has become the source of inspiration to create a whole collection of pieces of minimalist jewelry .

Why is the heptagon the symbol of Roosik & Co?

You will have seen that I sign all the jewelry with this iconic figure of seven sides : the Heptagon .
The reason is because I feel very reflected in it. It summarizes the basic concepts of my jewelry, in which the noble metals (gold and platinum) and precious stones they are the protagonists.
In fact, the number 7 that characterizes this figure evokes the seven noble metals known in antiquity ( iron, copper, tin, mercury, lead, silver and gold ) and the seven colors of the rainbow ( red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Indian and violet ).
Minimalist jewelry: Origins Heptasik Collection
The heptagon it's a figure that invites the eyes to pay attention to it, don't you think?
This fact immediately inspired me to create one pendant with this reason. The heptagon would make one vanishing point able to catch all eyes.
I worked it very flat, delicate, so that the figure rested on the skin and, at the same time, integrated into it.
I accompanied it with a thin gold chain, so that it went unnoticed and gave all the prominence to the geometric figure. And the end result was this:
I really love this piece! Maybe because is the gem of Roosik & Co that more times I have worked and left our Atelier .
I must admit that at the time of designing it I did not expect the great reception it had.
Over time I have seen that you appreciate it because it is a pendant with presence and personality , and at the same time it is discreet and subtle , ideal for wear it every day . So it has become a sure hit gem, especially when you have to give a gift.
Thanks to this fact and your suggestions, I started designing other pieces of jewelry with the heptagon motif and with the same minimalist essence , to the point of creating a whole collection.
hoop earrings , button , bracelets , thin rings to combine them with each other, rings with a heptagonal shape ... A whole creative world opened up for me around the heptagon!

Heptasik, Blossik, Blossom…

for me, Heptasik it means light, warmth and the purest essence.
At first I only worked on this collection yellow gold i without precious stones . Today, you will see that I also work it in rose gold and white gold, with small gems or diamonds that they bring light and color without losing the minimalist spirit.
Even a few years ago, I dared to merge Heptasik with other collections , com Blossom . do you know her Blossom is an explosion of color, inspired by flowers and with colored gemstones as protagonists.
In the image above you can see one precious stone in the shape of a heptagon . You've never seen one, have you? This is because this size is exclusive of Roosik & Co.
Gemstones are usually cut in the usual shapes. I'm sure they sound like you: brilliant cut, baguette, emerald, princess, round, pink, oval... But, I ventured out to design this one new size because I had a dream: I wanted to make a series of pieces come true that I had in my head for months... Here you can see them , they are named after Blossik , HeptaCrown i 80s
which one virtue do you have a heptagonal cut gemstone? Well, what does it bring? unique light reflections on the piece and... on your face , different from all other gem cuts.

The magic of the Heptagon

Jewels are objects symbolic because they are carriers of emotions, moments and words. In addition, you have to add to the Heptasik collection the magic of the sides of the heptagon : the number seven ... so seductive and extraordinary.
If you want to know more curiosities about the minimalist jewelry of the collection Heptasik , write to me, I will love to explain them to you. This is my email: shop
Do you dare to discover Heptasik?
You see that Heptasik it is my most essential and personal collection . It is where I experience, create and create my entire universe. I invite you to see all the pieces. I hope you like them, see you soon!

Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.