La fageda d'en Jordà

Is there a more romantic place than a beech forest in autumn? The colors set a perfect setting for a walk as a couple.
Jordà's beech grove is one of the 28 nature reserves of the Natural Park of the Volcanic Zone in the Girona region of La Garrotxa. As the name indicates, it is a beech forest that, exceptionally, grew on the lava flow of the Croscat volcano. The Croscat is also worth visiting, but the charm of the beech wood makes it a very suitable space to enjoy a walk with your partner. The beauty of this forest is also very remarkable in the spring, but it is in the autumn when the range of colors it unfolds gives it the most enchanting charm: the ochres, the reds, the yellows... Inside the forest the tranquility is absolute because vehicular traffic is prohibited. There are several itineraries of more or less duration, so we can choose the one that best suits our tastes. And enjoy a pleasant walk, in an ideal space to talk, to share thoughts and desires, to escape from everything that bothers us or simply to experience nature as a couple.

Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.