Colour Romance · Gemstone engagement rings

Colour Romance · Anells de compromís amb pedres precioses



Tell me, what colour is your love?
Is it robin red? Or sapphire blue?
Together or alone, let us explore this burst of life,
The love within that flows through every corner of our being!
Do we see here the delicate pink of rosebuds and sunsets?
Come, let us plunge into lush emerald gardens,
And into the purest, most crystalline waters
which do not belong to the sea, love…
Tell me, what colour is it?
Oh, love ... It is one of the feelings that most fill us with fantasy, life and color. There are as many ways to express this feeling as there are people in the world.
In fact, all jewelry pieces are in themselves expressions of love: love for one's partner, friend, daughter, sister ... or for oneself!

This time, Jordi Rosich, has gone a step further and has deepened the relationship between colour and this vital feeling when designing the new collection of engagement rings from Roosik & Co. Are you ready? The most beautiful and romantic gemstones in the world…

We present you... Romance rings


Romance rings are pure fantasy. They are explorations into the origin of nature and our own feelings! In fact, they are nature itself.

Observe the organic shapes of the ring: the stem of a flower, the branch of a tree, the wavy and irregular movement of the imperfect and beautiful forms.



You will also see how a sequence of brilliant diamonds provide luminosity and prepare the arrival of the central gem: an emerald from Madagascar, a Ceylon sapphire, a ruby from Myanmar, an aquamarine from Zambia or an original pink morganite from Mozambique.

Now we will explain all the details, meanwhile here you can see the Morganite Romance ring in our Atelier, while we were working on it:


Romance engagement rings are made of 18k gold, we make it here, in our Girona workshop. You will find them in white gold, yellow gold, rose gold or platinum.

You can personalize your piece and choose the colour of gold and the gem you want for your Romance ring. Maybe your colour of love is… rose gold with blue sapphire!


Ruby and diamond engagement ring

Ruby Romance 

Vibrant and velvety. A piece of jewellery of the colour of love. Fall in love with the intense magenta red of this 1.16 ct oval cut ruby from Myanmar, combined with rose gold:



Emerald and Diamond Engagement Ring

Emerald Romance

Did you know that the most beautiful and valuable emeralds are those with the most intense green color?

Look at the intensity of this Zambian emerald of 1.10 ct, emerald cut, and in its natural gardens that make it unique and exclusive:



Sapphire and Diamond Engagement Ring

Blue Sapphire Romance

The silky and brilliant color of the blue sapphire creates a beautiful play of contrasts with the luminosity and brilliance of diamonds and white gold.

It is a beautiful gemstone, how you have never seen it… It comes from Ceylon, Sri Lanka, and looks incredible in its 0.86 carats:



Aquamarine and Diamond Engagement Ring

Aquamarine Romance

This fabulous 0.70 carat aquamarine, in oval cut and from Madagascar, crowns one of the most beautiful and original engagement rings that Jordi Rosich has worked.

Notice the nice and warm contrast of gemstones with the yellow gold color:



Morganite and Diamond Engagement Ring

Morganite Romance

We love the metallic and electrical brilliance of this pink gemstone. Just in case you don’t know it, it is a natural morganite, a gem that belongs to the same mineral group as emeralds and aquamarines.

Jordi Rosich has worked it in 18k rose gold and diamonds to enhance its beauty. A piece of jewellery ready to receive the most desired “Yes, I want” under the shades of a flowering cherry tree…



Dream Rings Experience

Romance engagement rings are part of the new collection of dream rings that Jordi Rosich has worked on in recent weeks.

Come see us and tell us what is the colour of your love. We have prepared for you and two more friends a beautiful experience in our Roosik & Co. store. You will have a fun time with the people you love the most, surrounded by the most extraordinary precious stones and diamonds...

Book your appointment here:

Dream Rings Experience


Thank you for inspiring us with your own shades and colors. Write us if you need help or advice at


See you soon!


Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.