The color yellow and its impact on art

El color groc i el seu impacte en l’art

The color yellow is a hue that has played an important role in art for centuries, symbolizing everything from sunlight and warmth to energy, creativity and life. Artists of various eras have used this color to convey emotions, capture light and endow their works with a unique vitality; in the same way that Jordi Rosich, designer and gemmologist of Roosik&Co, is also inspired by the yellow color of precious stones to create jewels, small works of art, with which to fill you with light.

In this article, today we will explore some artists known for their use of this color.

Let's go!

Artists who stand out for the use of yellow

Artists often work with a specific color palette because it helps them express their unique vision and define their personal style. The colors they select not only reflect their emotions and intentions, but also create a consistent visual identity throughout their work. Repeating certain colors allows them to fully explore their expressive possibilities and establish their own language, making their work immediately recognizable.

We have selected some well-known artists who inspire us a lot and who use the color yellow in their works. What are your favourites?

Vincent van Gogh

You can't talk about yellow in art without mentioning Van Gogh , who explored this color intensely in many of his works. He saw yellow as a representation of light, warmth and hope. From "Sunflowers" to his "Still Life with Apples and Bananas," yellow is central to his palette.

"Sunflowers" - Van Gogh

Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt , famous for works such as "The Kiss" (1907-1908) , used gold and golden tones in many of his creations, a yellowish hue that gave his paintings an almost divine and ethereal quality. Klimt combined yellow with intricate patterns and textures to create works that radiate sensuality and mysticism.

"The Kiss" (1907-1908) - Gustav Klimt

Mark Rothko

Abstract painter Mark Rothko is known for his large areas of color. In many of his works, yellow occupies a prominent place. Rothko used yellow to explore the contrast between light and dark, material and immaterial, creating emotional depth in his use of color.

Mark Rothko

Yves Klein

Although Yves Klein is best known for his "Klein blue", he experimented with several vibrant colors, including yellow. He created a series of works with "golden yellow" , looking for the visual contrast with other intense colors and to explore the emotions associated with this light hue.

Joan Miró

Joan Miró , the Catalan painter, also used yellow repeatedly in his work to give it vitality and dynamism. In works such as "L'or de l'azur" , yellow creates an intense contrast with other bright colors, bringing a sense of movement and energy.

"The gold of the azure" - Joan Miró

The meaning of yellow in art

Historically, yellow has been a color with multiple connotations. In Western art, it has often represented sunlight , wealth and joy . In contemporary art, yellow continues to be a color associated with vitality , warmth and creativity , and is often used to attract attention and give energy to a work.

The inspiration of yellow in the design of jewelery by Roosik&Co

Jordi Rosich's interest in the color yellow can also be felt in the designs of his jewellery, which in fact are small works of art worked by hand and full of meaning.

You can discover here some of his pieces that shine with yellow precious stones and their symbology. Read article: Yellow gemstones and autumn.

Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.