Shiny Kings Candies!

Dona amb anell de diamants en espiral de Roosik & Co

What are your favorite Christmas candies? Bright, fun, carefree, bright... With them you'll feel the magic of when you were little again.

Precious Caramel 1: Wish diamond earrings

For women who wish to add more light to their face and eyes

These two small sparkling heptagons, like little 7-pointed stars of the East, light up your ears, face and gaze, with 34 diamonds set in a white gold setting. Two wishes fulfilled to relive the joy of Kings Day.


Precious Caramel 2: Bunch Ring Sapphire or Nature

For women with exquisite tastes

Blue or green sapphires and diamonds bring a vibrant and exclusive light to this gem of great originality. You can make it the star of your look this holiday season. Gemstones mounted on a white or yellow gold base will wrap around the finger. An elegant contrast of white and colored lights with which you will dazzle those around you.


Caramel Precios 3: Creoles with blue sapphires

For a woman who loves trends and is aware of the beauty that jewelry brings

A subtle play between the blue sapphires and the white gold ring. These earrings are very wearable for everyday use and will also be up to par in more formal looks. Creoles are a very flattering type of earrings because of the light they give to the face, and they never go out of style, they always come back reinvented. In this version, the precious stones bring personality, color and originality.


Precious Caramel 4: Tiara Crown (0.93ct)

For the party queen

three Three Kings of the East. Three superb diamonds arranged in a crown shape and surrounded by a retinue of small brilliants. Imagine for a moment this ring placed on your hand. Yes, you have become the most magical queen of this party...


Precious Caramel 5: Emerald Rose Earrings

For a natural and seductive woman, with classic and refined tastes

Emeralds are world-famous and admired for their intense green color. Mounted on these earrings and surrounded by a rosary of luminous diamonds, their special tone becomes even more brilliant and desirable.


Caramel Precios 6: Glow pendants with colored gemstones

To satisfy small whims

Strawberry, orange, apple, pineapple, which would you eat? Glow pendants are sweet little jewels like candy, which make our whims happy. You will find them in rose quartz, orange citrine, green peridot or blue topaz. They are easy to combine with your everyday clothes. Their brilliance and luminosity is unique, as these gems have a special cut, the heptagonal cut, exclusive to Roosik&Co.


Precious Caramel 7: Ring with garnet, green tourmaline and diamonds

For creative, vital and captivating women

A unique ring, a real gem. Movement, expressiveness, strength... represented by two maroons who play and speak in a beautiful dialogue. Dynamic and original women value this very particular piece of design. Beyond wearing it on special occasions, try wearing it in your everyday life, combined with a more casual look like dark blue jeans and a basic white shirt or t-shirt. The effect produced by this contrast is fantastic.


If you need personalized advice on which jewelry can best fit your 2019 style or clothes or that of your close women, write to us at or call us on 972 20 47 85

Have a sweet and magical Twelfth Night and may its brilliance accompany you for the rest of 2019. See you soon!

Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.