Diamond rings · The creative process of New Slim

Anell de compromís New Slim de Roosik & Co

I spend hours thinking and rethinking designs. Even when it comes to solitaire diamond rings that you let me know you like them and I see that they are one of the best choices when it's time for engagement, I often check them out with a new look to see if I can improve them.

On this occasion, I've been thinking about one of my favorite rings for weeks: the Slim solitaire diamond engagement ring.

In case you didn't know, the Slim ring is a minimalist jewel, which stands out for its pure and clean lines and the asymmetrical play of thicknesses.

If you look at it closely, the gold ring tightens as it approaches the diamond, giving it full prominence. As you can see, the end result is a jewel of high impact and beauty. 

It's perfect, right? And so, you will ask yourself, why complicate me and rethink a design that already works?

Attention, you are about to know how the Slim diamond ring has evolved and know all the details. 

The diamond ring New Slim

The goal was to give even more importance to the natural diamond that crowns the Slim ring and that you could enjoy the triangular shape of the gem and its extreme beauty.

At first, the design of the Slim ring and the New Slim may look the same to you… But now I’ll tell you the difference.

As you well know, I only work with the best diamonds. I always choose the brightest ones, the ones with the most transparent color, the ones with the polished, symmetrical and excellently cut facets, and which do not have impurities.

You can already imagine that diamonds with these characteristics are very rare to find in nature - they are part of 0.02% of the world's diamond mining - so it's important to highlight them and that you can admire them as they deserve. 

For that reason, one day of this extraordinary spring, it occurred to me to change the staple system that holds the stone in the Slim ring. I redesigned them to be extremely minimalist and then leave more space for the diamond.

I started to work on it right away, I did different tests, and finally… Here’s the result!

The gold frame holds the diamond as if it wes the chalice of a flower. It welcomes it, elevates it, holds it firmly and at the same time occupies the minimum space on the gem, so it can be the real protagonist.

In addition, this new design allows you to observe the almost triangular shape typical of brilliant cut diamonds. Did you know that this cut, with 57 facets, is the most popular because it is the way the diamond is able to reflect its maximum brightness?

You could spend hours looking at and admiring the queen of gems, right? With this design you have it easier, it’s like the diamond floats in the air, but in reality, you have it in your hand.

Do you prefer the Slim or the New Slim diamond ring?

I'll help you figure out which of the two rings is your favorite.

The best of the original Slim diamond ring

Its robustness, solidity and power. In addition, there are those who see a small "heart" in the small hole that is created in the chalice that holds the diamond.

It will always be the first, the original Slim.


The best of the New Slim

The minimalism and purity of its lines. In addition, with the new staple system you can better appreciate the diamond.

It is the evolved version of the Slim ring, thanks to the experience of the years. I have to tell you this is my favorite option. 


With which ring would you ask for marriage or say "Yes, I do"? 

I assure you that with either design you have a guaranteed "Yes". The Slim ring is a sure success, I tell you from experience in our jewelry store in Girona and in our online store.

Take a good look. It is delicate and powerful at the same time. It is minimalist, original, shocking, a piece of design extremely thought out, worked and dreamed of.

Also, remember that all Roosik&Co jewelry and engagement rings are unique pieces, I work them one by one, by hand and with the utmost delicacy. I am very aware that this is not just any simple object or jewel.

Each piece is the way you have (and I have) to materialize the moments and emotions and be able to preserve them and enjoy them for a lifetime.

You can find all the designs in different sizes of diamonds and in all colors of gold: white gold, rose gold, yellow gold or platinum.

If you want, you can have a good time comparing them all here:

Engagement rings in white gold and in platinum

Need help choosing an engagement ring? Ask me!

Choosing the "diamond ring" may seem like the mission of your life. It is an important decision but you have to be aware that it is also a very special and unique stage to live.

Try to enjoy the experience: ask, look, compare… The world of noble metals and precious stones is very extensive and interesting to know. Take the opportunity to become an expert on diamond rings and feel free to ask me for advice, or more photos or videos if you need them.

Gather all the information you need to be able to make your decision with safety and confidence.  

Think that my years of service can be useful to you. In addition, I am a qualified gemologist specializing in diamonds, jewelry, designer and nailer.

So ask me for help when you need it, without any commitment.

You can also come to our jewelry workshop and I will give you a small guided tour. You will see where we melt the gold, how we work it, how we make the rings… You and your partner will enjoy a beautiful memory!

Request your appointment here: 


Stay in touch.

A hug, see you soon!


Jordi Rosich

En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.  També ha rebut el reconeixement professional a la seva trajectòria:

el Premi Talent 2019 per part de l’Ajuntament de Girona i el Premi al Millor Comerç 2019 per part de la JORGC, el Col·legi Oficial de Joiers, Orfebres, Rellotgers i Gemmòlegs de Catalunya. En Jordi és gemmòleg titulat per l'universtiat de Barcelona,(número de registre 200601946) i especialista en Diamant per la mateixa universitat.